ROLL NO : 80

Below are my answers to the medicine assignment based on my understanding of the cases.


A 55 year old female with shortness of breath, pedal edema and facial puffiness.

1.What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an event timeline and where is the anatomical localisation for the problem and what is the primary etiology of the patient's problem?
 ➤Timeline of events - Patient had episodes of shortness of breath of breath on and off   
                                    for the past 20 years.
   JANUARY 20YEARS AGO - 1st episode of SOB, it lasted for a week 
                                                   Relieved on taking medication
                                                 -Similar episodes of SOB, episodes lasted for a week  
                                                 -All episodes were relieved upon taking medication
  JANUARY 12 YEARS AGO - Episode of SOB, lasted for 20 days
                                               -Patient was hospitalised, SOB decreased on treatment
                                                - Yearly episodes of SOB, lasting almost for a month
  8 YEARS AGO - Patient was diagnosed with diabetes(due to polyuria)
  5 YEARS AGO - Patient was treated for anemia with iron injections
 30 DAYS AGO - Latest episode of SOB, it was insidious in onset and gradually progressive
                          - SOB occurred on exertion and relieved upon resting.
                          - She experienced generalised weakness.
  20 DAYS AGO - Patient got HRCT done showed signs of Bronchiectasis
                         - She was diagnosed with Hypertension and is on medication.
 15 DAYS AGO - Pedal edema upto level of Ankle, is of PITTING type
 2 DAYS AGO                 SOB even at rest(Grade 4)
                                      - Decreased urine output
                                      - Drowsiness.

Anatomical localisation - Based on the symptomatology
                                             LUNGS AND AIRWAYS(Bronchi, Bronchioles and Alveoli ) 
                                             are involved.

Primary etiology - Patient is a farmer by occupation (she works in Paddy fields), as she is 
                                 experiencing SOB during field work, exposure to dust could be
                                  the cause.

2. What are mechanism of action, indication and efficacy over placebo of each of the pharmacological and  non pharmacological interventions used for this patient?
Ans: Following are the interventions used for the patient
  ➣Head end elevation (30-45°)
     -It is recommended in this patient since she is on mechanical ventilation to reduce the 
      incidence of VENTILATOR ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA that occurs due to aspiration
      of contaminated oropharyngeal secretions following end-tracheal tube intubation.             


Efficacy based on studies: Moderate quality evidence from eight studies involving 759 participants demonstrated that a semi-recumbent (30º to 60º) position reduced clinically suspected VAP by 25.7% when compared to a 0° to 10° supine position. 

 ➣O2 inhalation-

     - It is given for this patient as her spo2 levels at the time of presentation were 75% at 
      room air        

    - Indication for o2 inhalation: supplemental o2 therapy / inhalation is given when spo2 

      levels are < 92% at room air.

Intermittent BiPAP-

 -Bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) ventilation is a non invasive technique used to              
  provide support to a spontaneously, but insufficiently, breathing patient using a  nasal mask. 

 - MOA:

    BiPap machine supplies pressurized air airways. It is called “positive pressure ventilation"        

    because it helps to open lungs with this air.

    The machine has 2 pressure settings:

       1) for inhalation IPAP

       2) low pressure foe exhalation EPAP

 -Indication: it is given to the patient to provide respiratory support as she is diagnosed with  COPD.            

Injection Augmentin 1.2gm IV /BO-

     -It is given to the patient to treat Broncheictasis

    -Augmentin is a combination of-

      AMOXICILLIN- binds to penicillin binding proteins in bacterial cell wall and thereby 

                                   inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis.      

     CLAVULINIC ACID- is a beta lactamase enzyme inhibitor, thereby facilitates action of


Tab. Azithromycin 500mg OD

      -It is given to the patient to provide symptomatic relief and reduce incidence of acute 

      exacerbations of COPD.


A randomized controlled trial found that patients hospitalized for an acute exacerbation

 of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) experienced reduced rates of treatment

 failure when adding azithromycin to their standard of care.

During the study, patients received a low dose of azithromycin in addition to their prescribed

 medications while in the hospital and continued taking the antibiotic for 3 months following hospitalization. The result, according to the data, was reduced treatment failure compared 

with standard of care alone. Rates of treatment failure were under 50% for patients taking azithromycin (49%) compared with 60% for patients receiving standard of care.

INJ. LASIX IV BO if SBP greater than 110 mmHg

    -It is given to the patient to relieve symptoms of fluid retention(edema)

   -It is also used to treat hypertension.


           Furosemide(LASIK) acts by inhibiting the luminal Na-K-Cl cotransporter in the thick   

          ascending limb of loop of Henle.


                                    Increases the excretion of Na+ and water by the kidneys


                                                  Increases urine output


Tab Pantop 40mg PO OD

INJ. Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV 

   - It acts by reducing inflammation in the body

   -Based on a study…In comparison to placebo, systemic corticosteroids 

  • improved airflow,
  • decreased the rate of treatment failure and risk of relapse 
  • improved symptoms and decreased the length of hospital stay

In this study, patients hospitalized with acute respiratory insufficiency and COPD were randomized to receive either intravenous (IV) corticosteroid (n=22) or matching placebo (n=22) for 72 hours. All patients received standardized treatment consisting of oxygen, aminophylline, nebulized isoproterenol, and antibiotics. The mean percentage change in both pre- and postbronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) was significantly greater in patients receiving corticosteroid in comparison to placebo at all measured time points. 

    -Ipravent belongs to a group of medicines known as anticholinergic bronchodilators, 
    work by relaxing the bronchial tubes  that carry air in and out of your lungs and makes   
    breathing less difficult.

   -Budecort (Budesonide ) belongs to a group of medicines called 'corticosteroids'. It works 

    by reducing and preventing swelling and inflammation in your lungs’. 

Efficacy based on a study where Patients received 2 mg of budesonide every 6 h 

(n = 71placebo (n = 66). All received standard treatment, including nebulized 

beta(2)-agonists, ipratropium bromide, oral antibiotics, and supplemental oxygen. 

The mean change (95% confidence interval) in postbronchodilator FEV(1) was greater

 with active treatments than with placebo: budesonide versus placebo, 0.10 L (0.02 to 0.18 L)

TAB Pulmoclear 100 mg PO OD

    -Pulmoclear Tablet is a combination of two mucolytic medicines: 



     It thins and loosens mucus (phlegm) making it easier to cough

     It also relaxes the airway muscles and thereby promotes easy inflow and outflow of air

Chest physiotherapy

    Chest physiotherapy improves lung function ,expands the lungs, strengthens breathing 

    muscles, loosens and improves drainage of thick lung secretions.

GRBS 6 hrly - to monitor blood sugar levels


INJ. HAI SC ( 8 am- 2pm- 8pm)

    Human Actrapid Injection contains human insulin(short acting)

    It is given to the patient to lower blood sugar levels as she is a diabetic.

Temp, BP, PR, SPO2 monitoring 

I/O charting -  Is used to record fluid intake and output


INJ. THIAMINE 1 amp in 100 ml of NS

      Based on a study-  The administration of a single dose of thiamine was associated with a  

    trend toward increase in oxygen consumption in critically ill patients.

   -Thiamine deficieny is seen in patients taking loop diuretics(LASIK), as this patient is  

    receiving LASIK, the use of thiamine could be prophylactic.

3. What could be the causes for her current acute exacerbation?
Ans: The causes for acute exacerbation of COPD are-
        - History of recurrent exacerbations of shortness of breath on exposure to paddy dust.
          When the frequency of these episodes increases, the lung function decreases.

      -   In known cases of HTN, when there is an acute exacerbation of the underlying COPD,
         there is an elevation of the pulmonary pressure, which occurs along with the hypoxia 
         present. This leads to right sided heart failure.

4. Could the ATT have affected her symptoms? If so how?
 Ans : -There are some case reports about interstitial lung disease (ILD) such as pneumonitis
           caused by isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol. Anti-tubercular therapy can cause
           Acute kidney injury, which leads to pedal edema and facial puffiness. Therefore 
           the causative drug was discontinued permanently or re-administrated after 
           desensitization therapy.

5.What could be the causes for her electrolyte imbalance?
 Ans : - The distribution of electrolyte disturbances in COPD group (total 58.53%) was found
            as follows: hypokalemia in 20%, hyponatremia in 13.33%, hypomagnesemia in 6.66%
            hypochloremia in 3.33%, and combined disturbances in 15%.
           -Activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and inappropriately elevated
            plasma arginine vasopressin in COPD may aggravate the electrolyte imbalance during
            acute exacerbation of COPD.

        -This patient has Hyponatremia and Hypochloremia according to the reports. 

        -Hyponatremia in patients with COPD developed secondary to many reasons, such as 
          development or worsening of hypoxia, hypercapnia, and respiratory acidosis, and right-
          side heart failure with development of lower limb edema, renal insufficiency, use of 
          diuretics. This hyponatremia has risen due do the AKI present in the patient.

        -The heart failure seen and the prescription of Lasix, has lead to hypochloremia. 

        - Respiratory acidosis with metabolic alkalosis in patients with COPD with chronic 
          hypercapnia is the usual cause of hypochloremia in those patients.



A 40 year old male with complaints of irrelevant talking.

1. What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an 
  event timeline and where is the anatomical localization for the problem and what is the 
  primary etiology of the patient's problem?
 ➤ Timeline of events-

1 YEAR AGO - 1st episode of seizures
4 MONTHS AGO - 2nd episode of seizures associated with restlessness, tremors and sweating.
                                ( 24 hours after withdrawal of alcohol)
9 DAYS AGO -   Started talking and laughing to himself
                           Unable to recognise family members
                           Has short term memory loss
                           Decreased food intake

Anatomical localisation - CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM.


➤ Etiology -  Patient has a history of alcohol consumption.

                 Excess consumption of alcohol leads to deficieny of Thiamine, this gives rise to a 

                 condition known as Wernicke's Encephalopathy.

2. What are mechanism of action, indication and efficacy over placebo of each of the pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions used for this patient?
 Ans: Following are the interventions used for this patient-
➣  Inj. 1amp THIAMINE in 100ml NS, TID
      - Thaimine is given to this patient because he is a chronic alcoholic
      - Alcohol is known to cause Thiamine deficiency.
     - Several studies indicated the efficiency of Thaimine in reducing symptoms of Wernicke's 

➣ Inj. Lorazepam
    - Lorazepam is a long acting benzodiazepine, is used to treat severe anxiety, panic 
   - Based on several studies, Lorazepam was 2times more effective in reducing anxiety 
     when compared to a placebo.

➣ T. Pregabalin 75mg/PO/ BD 
     - Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant and anxiolytic medication.
    - MOA: Pregabalin by binding presynaptically to the alpha2 delta subunit of voltage-gated 
       calcium channels modulates the release of several excitatory neurotransmitters( glutamate,
       substance P, nor ephinephrine.
    - Indications : It is used in the treatment of anxiety disorders, epilepsy, neuropathic pain,
      fibromyalgia, postherpetic neuralgia.

➣  Inj. HAI S.C.- premeal

     -Human Actrapid Injection contains human insulin(short acting)

     - It is used to control blood sugar levels.

 IVF NS and RL @150ml/hr     

     -Normal saline and ringer lactate solutions are both crystalloid fluids. 

    -NS contains 154 mM  Na+ and Cl-, with an average pH of 5.0 and osmolarity of   

     308 mOsm/L.

   - LR solution has average pH of 6.5, is hypo-osmolar (272 mOsm/L), and has similar  

     electrolytes (130 mM  Na+, 109 mM Cl-, 28 mM lactate, etc.).

 - This is given to the patient to maintain fluid levels.

➣  Inj 2 ampoule KCl (40mEq) in 10 NS over 4 hours 

    - Supplemental potassium is used as an electrolyte replensher, treats hypokalemia.

Syp Potchlor 10ml in one glass water/PO/BD    

     - Is a  supplement of potassium. 

3. Why have neurological symptoms appeared this time, that were absent during withdrawal earlier? What could be a possible cause for this?

Ans : Patient has two main neurological symptoms- 

         . Seizures

         . Memory loss

-Seizures- this could be due to a process known as KINDLING.

               Repeated consumption and withdrawal of alcohol is known as Kindling. This results 

               in electrical and chemical stimulation and can precipitate seizure activity.

-Memory loss- continuous use of alcohol results in thiamine deficiency - this leads to 

                       widespread cerebral and subcortical atrophy.



4. What is the reason for giving thiamine in this patient?

Ans : Thiamine is vastly given in patients with this presentation because of the known 
           history of alcohol withdrawal and alcohol habituation.
        -A chronic alcoholic has a depleted supply of thiamine in the body which can give
         rise to neurological symptoms, such as Wernicke Encephalopathy.
       -To abate some of the symptoms, thiamine is given to replenish the supply of the patient.

5. What is the probable reason for kidney injury in this patient?  

  Ans : Alcohol induced kidney injury-

           The kidneys have an important job as a filter for harmful substances.

         - Alcohol causes changes in the function of the kidneys and makes them less able to      

            filter the blood. 

          -Alcohol also affects the ability to regulate fluid and electrolytes in the body. 

          -When alcohol dehydrates the body, the drying can affect the normal

            function of all cells and organs, including the kidneys.

         - Alcohol also disrupts hormones this in turn affects kidney function.       

         - Chronic drinking affects the liver. The rate of blood flow to the kidney is maintained by

           liver , therefore liver disease disrupts this balance and affects the kidney function.).

 6. What is the probable cause for the normocytic anemia?

  Ans : The probable cause for normocytic anemia in this patient is kidney disease.

7. Could chronic alcoholism have aggravated the foot ulcer formation? If yes, how and why?

 Ans : Yes , chronic alcoholism could have aggravated the formation on the foot ulcer. 

           In the case of a chronic alcoholic, there is a depression in the immune system, as seen is 


         Chronic alcoholism can also lead to alcoholic neuropathy. 

         Alcoholic neuropathy involves coasting caused by damage to nerves that results 

         from long term excessive drinking of alcohol . Chronic presentation will increase the 

         chances of foot ulcer formation and also increase the time of recovery.  


A 52 year old male with cerebellar ataxia. 

1. What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an event timeline and where is the anatomical localization for the problem and what is the primary etiology of the patient's problem?
Ans :

Timeline of events

     7 DAYS AGO - An episode of giddiness that started around 7 in the morning, subsided on 

                              taking rest, was associated with vomiting.


     4 DAYS AGO - An episode of giddiness following alcohol consumption.

                              It was sudden in onset, continuous and gradually progressive, increased on 

                              standing and while walking.

                             - Bilateral hearing loss, aural fullness, tinnitus.

                            - 2-3 episodes of vomiting, non projectile and non bilious.


   DAY OF ADMISSION - Slurring of speech and deviation of mouth.

Anatomical localisation : CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM( cerebellum)

Etiology  : The above symptoms point out to the involvement of cerebellum.

                      Ataxia is the lack of coordination of voluntary movements such as walking.

                      In this case the patient is a hypertensive, is not taking the prescribed 

                      medications. This increases the risk of clot formation in the brain, this results

                      in reduced blood supply to the brain( stroke) can thereby

                      result in ataxia.

2.What are mechanism of action, indication and efficacy over placebo of each of the pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions used for this patient?
Ans : Following are the interventions used for this patient.

Tab Veratin 8 mg PO TID  

    - Vertin is a betahistine, an anti vertigo medication.

   - MOA : It is a weak agonist on H1 receptors located on blood vessels of inner ear. This 

      leads to vasodilatation and increases vascualr permeability.

   - Indication : Used to treat balance disorders.

Inj Zofer 4 mg IV/TID   

    - Zofer is an antimetic medication.

   - MOA : It is a 5H3 receptor antagonist on vagal afferents in the gut , blocks receptors even 

      in CTZ .

   - Indication : it is given to this patient to control the episodes of nausea and vomiting. 

Tab Atorvostatin 40 mg PO/HS

    - MOA :  It is an HMG CoA reductase inhibitor and thus inhibits the rate limiting step
    in cholesterol biosynthesis. It decreases blood LDL and VLDL, decreases 
    cholesterol synthesis, thus increasing LDL receptors in liver and increasing LDL uptake 
    and degeneration. Hence plasma LDL level decreases.
  -Indications : In this case it is used for primary prevention of stroke.

➣ Tab Clopidogrel 75 mg PO/OD

      - Clopidogrel is an antiplatelet medication.

     -   MOA : It inhibits ADP mediated platelet aggregation by blocking P2Y12 receptor on 

         the platelets.

     - It is given to this patient to reduce the risk of further clot formations.

➣ Tab Ecospirin 75mg-

    - Ecospirin is an anti inflammatory and antiplatelet medication.

   - It is given to the this to prevent further clot formation.

➣ Inj Thiamine 1 AMP in 100 ml NSPO/BD 

   - It is given to the patient to combat its deficiency as he is a chronic alcoholic.

 3. Did the patients history of denovo HTN contribute to his current condition?

   Ans : A cerebellar infarct is usually caused by a blood clot obstructing blood flow
            to the cerebellum. High blood pressure (especially if left untreated) can be a major
            risk factor for the formation of cerebellar infarcts.
            High blood pressure increases stress on blood vessels , impairs adaptive responses.     
            By this mechanism high BP increases the risk. 

 4. Does the patients history of alcoholism make him more susceptible to ischaemic or     

     haemorrhagic type of stroke?  

 Ans :                  

   -Ischaemic stroke-Is caused by a blood clot blocking the flow of blood and preventing 
    oxygen from reaching the brain. It is the most common type of stroke.
   -Haemorrhagic stroke- occurs when an aneurysm bursts or when a weakened blood vessel 
   leaks, thus causing cerebral haemorrhage.
  According to a Cambridge study, heavy drinkers have 1.6 more chance of 
  intracerebral haemorrhage and a 1.8 increased chance of subarachnoid haemorrhage. 
  Many studies show that with mild and moderate drinking, the risk of ischaemic
  stroke decreases due to decreased level of fibrinogen which helps in the formation
  of blood clots. 
 Therefore, alcoholics are at increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke than ischeamic stroke.


A 45 year old female patient with palpitations, pedal edema , chest pain, chest haeviness, radiating pain along left upper limb.

1. What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an event timeline and where is the anatomical localization for the problem and what is the primary etiology of the patient's problem?

Ans :

 ➤ Timeline of events  :

      10 YEARS AGO - An episode of right and left upper limb paralysis.


      1 YEAR AGO -  An episode of right and left paresis due to Hypokalemia.


     8 MONTHS AGO - Bilateral pedal edema, gradually progressive, present in both sitting

                                     and standing position, relieved on medication.


      7 MONTHS AGO - Diagnosed with blood infection


       2 MONTHS AGO - Patient had neck pain , received treatment at the hospital.


     6 DAYS AGO - Pain in the left upper limb, dragging type, pain increased in the night, 

                              aggravated during palpatations and relieved on medication.


     5 DAYS AGO - Palpitations , sudden in onset, more durimg the night, aggravated by lifting 

                               weights and speaking continuously, relieved on medication.

                             - Grade 3 SOB during episodes of palpitations.

                             - Chest pain associated with chest heaviness


Anatomical localisation : Cervical spine

Etiology  : The episodes of chest pain, palpitations, paresis, edema experienced by the 

                       patient could be due to Hypokalemia.

                       Neck pain experienced by the patient could be due to Cervical spondylosis.

  2. What are the reasons for recurrence of hypokalemia in her? Important risk factors for her

 Ans : The reasons for recurrence of Hypokalemia in this patient are: 

           . Diuretics use

           . Albumin is completely absent in this patient- indicating severe malnutrition,     

             inflammation, this can result in Hypokalemia.

         - The risk factors for hypokalemia include : 


            .Use of diuretics



           . Excessive alcohol use

           . Excessive sweating.

3. What are the changes seen in ECG in case of hypokalemia and associated symptoms?

 Ans : The earliest electrocardiogram (ECG) change associated with hypokalemia is a  

          decrease in the T-wave amplitude. As potassium levels decline further, ST-segment   

          depression and T-wave inversions are seen, while the PR interval can be prolonged 

          along with an increase in the amplitude of the P wave.

          Appearance of U wave in the mid precordial leads.




A 55 year old male with seizures.

1. Is there any relationship between occurrence of seizure to brain stroke. If yes what is the mechanism behind it?

Ans : -Stroke is the most common cause of seizures in the elderly. 

         - Stroke is of two types: 

         .Hemorrhagic stroke- this occurs as a result of bleeding within or around the brain.

            . Ischemic stroke- this occurs as a result of blood clot or a lack of blood flow to the



Hemorrhagic stroke increases the risk of seizures than an ischemic stroke.  There is also increased risk of seizures if the stroke is severe or occurs within the cerebral cortex of your brain.

Seizures following a stroke( post seizure stroke) are of 2 types:

 -Early onset seizures have peak within 24 hours after stroke.

 -Late onset seizures occur after 2 week of stroke onset, peak within 6-12 months after

  the stroke , has a higher rate of recurrence.

-EPILEPSY- is a condition characterised by recurrent episodes of seizures


  Early onset seizures after ischaemic strokes are due to :

  An increase in intracellular Ca2+ and Na+ with a resultant lower threshold for 

    depolarisation, glutamate excitotoxicity, hypoxia, metabolic dysfunction, 

destruction of phospholipid membrane, secretion of free fatty acids in penumbral areas.


                               Disrupt electrical activity in the brain.    
        Seizures after haemorrhagic strokes are thought to be attributable to irritation caused
       by products of blood metabolism.(Hemosiderin deposits)

     - Late onset seizures are due to glottic scarring and are associated with the persistent 

       changes in neuronal excitability.

2. In the previous episodes of seizures, patient didn't loose his consciousness but in the recent episode he lost his consciousness what might be the reason?

Ans : The patient has a history with seizure activity, so due to this there is an increase in the

          chemical and mechanical activity , which leads to the development of organic lesions in

          the brain.

          The bigger the lesions the more severe the symptoms.

          Since this patient has had recurrent seizures (15episodes in the last 5 years) there

         might be an aggravation of symptoms during this episode compared to the last.This 

          could be responsible for his loss of consciousness.


A 48 year old male with seizures and altered sensorium.

1. What could have been the reason for this patient to develop ataxia in the past 1 year?
Ans :This patient has a history of alcohol abuse for the past three years. Excessive alcohol  
        consumption can be a major risk factor for development of cerebellar dysfunction or  
        cerebellar ataxia.

       A potential mechanism for this is alteration in GABA-A receptor dependent   

       neurotransmission. Ethanol is shown to disrupt molecular events at the mossy fibre-     

       granule cell-golgi cell synaptic site and the granule cell fibre-Purkinje cell synaptic site,

       which is mainly responsible for ethanol induced cerebellar ataxia.

      Ethanol also causes neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity in the cerebellum.

      All these affect the cerebellum, which is the motor coordination centre of the central

       nervous system, and also involved in cognitive processing and sensory discrimination. 

    These can all result in altered hand movements, impaired postural stability and balance, loss of fine movements etc.

2. What was the reason for his IC bleed? Does Alcoholism contribute to bleeding diathesis ?
Ans : This patient has a history of excessive alcohol consumption for the past three years.  
        According to a study, heavy drinkers have 1.6 more chance of intracerebral haemorrhage
       and a 1.8 increased chance of subarachnoid haemorrhage. Heavy drinking is a major 
       cause of the acute cerebral hemorrhage of frontal, parietal and temporal lobes in this  

       Bleeding diathesis is an unusual susceptibility to bleed (hemorrhage) mainly due to   

       hyper coagulability. Heavy drinking can cause thrombocytopenia, as well as impact 

       and functions of platelets. Impaired platelet function, together with reduced platelet        

       count, can contribute to this condition associated with chronic alcoholism. 


A 30 year old male with weakness of right upper limb and lower limb and deviation of mouth towards left

1.Does the patient's history of road traffic accident have any role in his present condition?
 Ans :

     In the above study, RTA led to a delayed infarct formation( 5 weeks following  


    Similarly, the accident that occurred in our patient 4 years ago could be the reason for his 

    present condition.

2.What are warning signs of CVA?

 Ans : The warning signs of CVA include -

        • Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the 


           • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking, or difficulty understanding speech.

           • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.

           • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance, or lack of coordination.

           • Sudden severe headache with no known cause.


3.What is the drug rationale in CVA?
 Ans : The following drug therapy is used in the treatment of stroke :
          a) Thrombolytics - Alteplase( most effective) , Streptokinase , Urokinase.
                                         These are used to break the clot formed.
          b) Antiplatelets - Aspirin, Clopidogrel.
                                      These drugs reduce further clot formations.
         c) Anticoagulants - Warfarin, Apixaban, Rivaroxaban
                                        These drug prevent clot formation by changing chemical composition 
                                         the blood.
         d) Antihypertensives - Diuretics, Calcium channel blockers, Beta blockers, ACE 
         e) Statins - to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

       Thrombolytics should never be given for a patient with haemorrhagic stroke as it 
       increases risk of bleeding . 
       Other  medications such as anti hypertensives , antiplatelets are given.

4. Does alcohol has any role in his attack?

         - According to the above study, patients who consume 1-21 drinks a week, have a lower

          chance of developing ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke than those who are heavy 

          drinkers. The patient is an occasional alcohol drinker, so the chances of alcohol  

          affecting his attack is improbable. In heavy drinkers, alcohol can increase the chances 

          of both types of strokes.

5.Does his lipid profile has any role for his attack?

 Ans : Lipid profile of the patient is overall normal except HDL count.

             HDL level in the patient is 33mg/dl which is lower than the normal range (40-60 mg/dl).

        -Studies have demonstrated a trend toward a higher risk of stroke with lower HDL-C. 

         HDL-C is considered as an important modifiable stroke risk factor. In patients with  

         recent stroke or transient ischemic attack and no coronary heart disease, only lower 

         baseline HDL-C predicted the risk of recurrent stroke.


A 50 year old male with cervical myelopathy.

 1.What is myelopathy hand?

     Ans : A characteristic dysfunction of the hand has been observed in various cervical spinal 
            disorders . 
            There is loss of power of adduction and extension of the ulnar two or three fingers and
           an inability to grip and release rapidly with these fingers. These changes have been 
           termed "myelopathy hand" and appear to be due to pyramidal tract involvement. 

2.What is finger escape?
  Ans : It is one of the signs in cervical cord damage in particular CERVICAL

           -when patient holds fingers extended and adducted, the small finger spontaneously

            abducts due to weakness of intrinsic muscle.

          -It is a component of Wartenberg’s sign-consisting of involuntary abduction of the fifth

           (little) finger, caused by unopposed action of the extensor digiti minimi. This  

           commonly results from weakness of the ulnar nerve innervated intrinsic hand muscles

           particularly PALMAR INTEROSSEOUS MUSCLE .

 3.What is Hoffman’s reflex?  

  Ans :  Also known as DIGITAL reflex, SNAPPING reflex, JACOBSON’S reflex.

            .It is used to examine the reflexes of upper extremities.

           PROCEDURE— The doctor carries out the test procedure by:

            holding the middle finger at the joint closest to the fingernail, flicks the nail using the

           other hand.


          .  If there is no movement in the index finger or thumb after this motion, the person has 

            a negative Hoffman’s sign.

           . If the index finger and thumb move, the person has a positive Hoffman’s sign.


          A positive Hoffman sign indicates an upper motor neuron lesion and corticospinal 

          pathway dysfunction likely due to cervical cord compression. (Eg: CERVICAL 

          MYELOPATHY). However, a positive Hoffman sign can be present in an entirely 

          normal patient. This happens in individuals who are hyper reflexive.


A 17 year old female with seizures


1. What can be  the cause of her condition ?  

 Ans : The patient’s GTCS episodes can be due to acute cortical vein thrombosis as seen in her 


           Seizures are the most common symptoms of CVT.


          This case report illustrates that CVT can occur in the presence of anaemia and  


         The above case is similar to this patient.  This illustrates that iron deficiency anemia and 

         thrombocytopenia can alone be considered as risk factors for CVT.

2. What are the risk factors for cortical vein thrombosis?

 Ans : The risk factors for CVT are as follows -

  • Excessive use of birth control pills.
  • Head injury
  • Protein deficiencies
  • Obesity
  • Ear, neck, face infections.
  • Dehydration  
  • Chronic hemolytic anemia.    
3.There was seizure free period in between but again sudden episode of GTCS why?resolved 
  spontaneously  why?  
 Ans :  The patient developed high grade fever (the patient had thrombophlebitis) which could  
           have been the cause of the seizures. 
         The decrease in the fever could have resolved the seizures.    

4. What drug was used in suspicion of cortical venous sinus thrombosis?
 Ans : Anticoagulants, Antiepileptic ( Phenobarbitone) was given on suspicion of CVT.


A 78 year old male with shortness of breath, chest pain, B/L pedal edema and facial puffiness.

1.What is the difference btw heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and with reduced 
   ejection fraction?
 Ans :Ejection fraction (EF) is a measurement, expressed as a percentage, of how much blood
         the left ventricle pumps out with each contraction.

        -HF with preserved ejection fraction, ( HFpEF) Also known as diastolic HF.

       - In HFpEF, the muscles of the heart contract normally and the heart may seem to pump a 

         normal proportion of the blood that enters it. However, heart muscle thickening may

         cause the ventricle to hold an abnormally small volume of blood( chamber hypertrophy)

         Therefore, although the heart’s output may still appear to be in the normal range, its

         limited capacity is inadequate to meet the body’s requirements.



        -HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), also known as systolic HF,.

         In this, the heart muscle is not able to contract adequately( chamber dilatation) and  

         therefore, expels less oxygen-rich blood into the body. Patients with this form of the

         disease will have lower-than-normal left ventricular ejection fraction on an 


         Causes- Diabetes, Hypertension, valvular heart disease

                                     LVEF of 50% to 75% indicates a normal pumping ability

                                                   36% to 49% is considered below normal

                                                   35% or lower is considered low pumping ability.                                                 

        -Fatigue and shortness of breath are common symptoms of both HFpEF and HFrEF.

2.Why haven't we done pericardiocenetis in this pateint?        

 Ans :Pericardiocentesis is a procedure done to remove fluid that has built up in the sac

         around the heart (pericardium). 

         It's done using a needle and small catheter to drain excess fluid.

       -There are 3 approaches for needle entry - left parasternal, subxyphiod approach, left 

         apical approach. 

         All these require a lot of precision as they might damage the surrounding pleura,  

         diaphragm, liver.

      . Pericardial effusion is mild - moderate in this patient , so symptomatic treatment was 

         given rather than opting for an invasive procedure like pericardiocentesis which requires

         a lot of precision.

       . Also this patient has pleural effusion, this might make fluid extraction difficult without 

        inflicting any damage as the needle is inserted very close to the  pleura. 


3.What are the risk factors for development of heart failure in the patient?
 Ans :
         A)The patient is a chronic smoker( 30years)
         -Cigarette smoking is known to increase the risk of heart failure


         Cigarette smoking leads to impaired endothelial function via decreased nitric oxide 

         production, pro-thrombotic state, increased oxidative stress, and activated inflammatory


         In addition to vascular effects, smoking, via increased oxidative stress and inflammation

         directly effects on the myocardium leading to systolic and diastolic dysfunction. 

         It also promotes other heart failure (HF) risk factors including blood pressure, increased 

         heart rate, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. 

         BASED ON STUDIES- We have recently seenD that smoking is independently 

        associated with 5-year risk for HF in older adults.

     B) Chronic alcoholic ( 90ml per day for the past 30 years)

         Heavy alcohol consumption is associated with alcoholic cardiomyopathy 

      - Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is characterized by left ventricular dilation, increased left  

         ventricular mass, and reduced or normal left ventricular wall thickness among patients 

         with a long-term history of heavy alcohol consumption (5-15 years). -

       -Based on studies alcoholic patients with symptomatic HF had 10 years or more of 

         exposure to heavy drinking .

        All these indicate risk of HF in a chronic alcoholic.

    C) Hypertension and Diabetes

      Diabetes results in changes in myocardial structure and function.

  • Disproportionate left ventricular hypertrophy 
  • Perivascular and interstitial fibrosis

      These changes stiffen the heart , will result in diastolic and systolic dysfunction and  

      increase risk of heart failure.

      Hypertension increases work load on the heart and a result there is left ventricular 

      hypertrophy — risk of heart failure

   D)ECG reports of the patient indicate first degree AV block.

     This is associated with an increased risk of heart failure.

     Among patients with heart failure, first-degree atrioventricular block is present in anywhere

     between 15% and 51%. 

   E) 2D ECHO of the patient shows pericardial effusion 

     This increases pressure on the heart and if left untreated will lead to heart failure.

4.What could be the cause for hypotension in this patient?

 Ans :Hypotension in this patient could be due to combination of pericardial effusion and use

         of diuretic LASIX.

         The pumping ability of the heart in this patient is compromised , along with this he is

         on Diuretic and anti hypertensive ( Telma 40 mg) , fluid restriction- all this might result

         in Hypovolemia and thereby Hypotension.


A 73 year old male with pedal edema, shortness of breath and decreased urine output.

1.What are the possible causes for heart failure in this patient?

 Ans : The patient has various comorbidities which could have led to a heart failure:

         1.He is a chronic alcoholic since 40 years which is a risk factor towards heart failure


          The findings in this article provide longitudinal evidence that moderate and heavy

          alcohol consumption are associated with decreased LVEF and trend towards a higher

          risk of incident LV systolic dysfunction, compared to light drinkers.

         2. Patient was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus 30 years ago and has been 

             taking human mixtrad insulin daily and was also diagnosed with diabetic triopathy 

             indicating uncontrolled diabetes which is considered to be a major risk factor for heart


        3. The patient was diagnosed with hypertension 19 yrs ago which is also considered as

            a risk factor for heart failure.


        4. The patient has elevated creatinine and AST/ALT ratios is >2 and was diagnosed with

           chronic kidney disease stage IV. CKD is also one of the risk factors for heart failure.



2.What is the reason for anaemia in this case?
 Ans : The patient has normocytic normochromic anaemia.
           The reason for anemia in this patient is CKD. 

           Chronic kidney disease results in decreased production of erythropoietin which in turn 

           decreases the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow.

3.What is the reason for blebs and non healing ulcer in the legs of this patient?

 Ans :The main reason for blebs and non-healing ulcer in this patient is uncontrolled diabetes

          mellitus. CKD is also known to cause delay in healing of wounds along with poorly 

          controlled diabetes. 

4. What sequence of stages of diabetes has been noted in this patient?
 Ans : There are 4 stages in type 2 diabetes-
  • insulin resistance
  •  prediabetes 
  • type 2 diabetes and 
  • type 2 diabetes and vascular complications, including retinopathy, nephropathy or neuropathy and, or, related microvascular events.
     The sequence of stages of diabetes seen in this patient are-
       Type 2 diabetes
        Diabetic retinopathy
        Diabetic nephropathy
        Diabetic neuropathy.


A 52 year old male with A- Fib and Biatrial thrombus.

1. What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an event timeline
  and where is the anatomical localisation for the problem and what is the primary etiology of 
  the patient's problem?
Ans : 
 Timeline of events
        1 YEAR AGO - An episode of SOB( Grade 2 )
                                 Diagnosed with Hypertension, on medication.
       2 DAYS AGO - Another episode of SOB, started as Grade 2 and progressed to Grade 4
                               Decreased urine output.
       1 DAY AGO - Patient complained of Grade 4 SOB and anuria.

Anatomical localisation : CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM.

EtiologyThe symptoms shown by patient point out to Congestive cardiac failure.

                      Congestive heart failure is a chronic progressive condition that affects the 

                      pumping power of the cardiac muscle. It occurs if the heart cannot pump 

                      (systolic) or fill (diastolic) adequately. Loss of atrial contraction and left atrial 

                      dilation in this case cause stasis of blood in the left atrium and may lead to 

                      thrombus formation in the left atrial appendage. This predisposes to stroke and 

                      other forms of systemic embolism.


2. What are mechanism of action, indication and efficacy over placebo of each of the pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions used for this patient?    
 Ans :  Following are the interventions used for this patient-
            ➣ INJ. Dobutamine- 
               - Dobutamine is a Beta 1 agonist, it stimulates beta 1 receptors of the heart and 
                 increases cardiac output and contractility of the heart with only a slight increase in
                 heart rate.
            - It is given to this patient the falling BP.
            ➣ TAB. Carvediol 3.125mg BDMOA-
                - Carvediol is a non selective Beta blocker, is used to treat high blood pressure and
                heart failure.
              - In several studies carvediol has shown to increase left ventricular ejection fraction
                and reduce mortality in patients with heart failure.
           ➣ TAB. Digoxin-
                 - Digoxin acts on the digitalis receptor and inhibits Na- K-ATPase, increases cardiac 
              - Indication : it is used in patients with low output failure when associated with atrial 

           ➣  INJ. Unfractionated Heparin 5000-
                 - Heparin is an anticoagulant, it selectively inhibits the conversion of prothrombin to  
                 thrombin, thus preventing thrombus formation.
              - It is used to prevent further thrombus formation in this patient.

            ➣  TAB. Acitrom 2mg OD -
                  - Acitrom contains Acenocoumarol is an oral anticoagulant which prevents blood 
                  clot formation in the heart , brain, lungs, legs.
               - It is used to prevent stroke.

                ➣ TAB. Cardivas 3.125mg PO/BD- 

                 - MOA- It is carvediol. It blocks B1, B2, Alpha 1 adrenergic receptors and no 

                 intrinsic sympathomimetic activity.

               -  Indications- Used as a long term drug to reduce mortality in patients with 

                  congestive heart failure.

          ➣  TAB. Dytor 10mg PO/OD-

                -MOA- It is torsemide, a loop high ceiling diuretic. It acts on the thick ascending 

               limb of the loop of henle, increases Na, K and Cl excretion in the urine.

              -Indications- preferred in cases of hypertension associated with CCF and renal failure.


              ➣ TAB Pan D 40mg PO/OD - 

               -MOA- It is a combination of domperidone and pantaprazol. It is a proton pump 

               inhibitor and helps decrease acid production in the stomach.

             -Indications- used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (Acid reflux) and peptic 

               ulcer disease by relieving the symptoms of acidity such as indigestion, heartburn, 

              stomach pain, or irritation.

            ➣TAB. Taxim 200mg PO/OD-

                 - MOA- It is cefixime. They are beta-lactam antibiotics that inhibit synthesis of 

                 bacterial cell wall and produce a bactericidal effect.

                -Indications- Given mainly to prevent development of bacterial infections.


3.What is the pathogenesis of renal involvement due to heart failure (cardio renal syndrome)? Which type of cardio renal syndrome is this patient? 

 In this case patient has Type 4 Cardiorenal syndrome- a chronic decline in kidney function
 that results in chronic cardiac dysfunction. 

 4. What are the risk factors for atherosclerosis in this patient?
  Ans : The risk factors for development of atherosclerosis in this patient include the

      a) Patient has Diabetes mellitus type 2, which can accelerate atherosclerosis by driving 

         inflammation and slowing down blood flow.

      b) Patient has history of alcohol abuse that can lead to atherosclerosis and increase the 

          risk  of stroke.

      c) Patient has a history of NSAID abuse, which can change the vessels ability to relax

          and also stimulate growth of smooth muscle cells inside the arteries, thus leading to the

         clogging of the arteries.

      d) Patient also has a history of hypertension- effect on the arterial wall also results in the

        aggravation and acceleration of atherosclerosis, particularly of the coronary and cerebral    

        vessels. Moreover, hypertension appears to increase the susceptibility of the small and

        large arteries to atherosclerosis.

5. Why was the patient asked to get those APTT, INR tests for review?
 Ans :
   APTT- Activated partial thromboplastin time; this is a blood test that characterises 
               coagulation of blood. 
               The patient was asked to get this test as he has a propensity for thrombus formation, 
               which needs to be monitored by keeping check on the aPTT levels which is an 
               indicator for the coagulability of the blood.

  INR- It is international normalized ratio; it is also a measure of the ability of the blood to  

           clot. This is an important test for patients who are on blood thinners (ie) anticoagulants

          The patient in this case was taking heparin, so it is necessary to monitor this ratio.



A 67 year old male patient with acute coronary syndrome

1. What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an event timeline and where is the anatomical localization for the problem and what is the primary etiology of the patient's problem?
Ans :
         Timeline of events -
            Diabetes since 12 years - on medication
           Heart burn like episodes since an year- relieved without medication
           Diagnosed with pulmonary TB 7 months ago- completed full course of treatment, 
           presently sputum negative.
           Hypertension since 6 months - on medication
           Shortness of breath since half an hour-SOB even at rest

      ➤ Anatomical localisation - CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM

     ➤ Etiology -The patient is both Hypertensive and diabetic , both these conditions can
                         cause Atherosclerosis: there is build up of fatty and fibrous material inside the
                         wall of arteries.(PLAQUE)

 2. What are mechanism of action, indication and efficacy over placebo of each of the  
     pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions used for this patient?
 Ans : Following are the interventions used for this patient -

              Pharmacological interventions:

          ➣TAB MET XL 25 MG/STAT-

             -contains Metoprolol as active ingredient

             -MOA: METOPROLOL is a cardioselective beta blocker.

               Beta blockers work by blocking the effects of the hormone epinephrine, also known

               as adrenaline. Beta blockers cause your heart to beat more slowly

              ( negative chronotropic effect) and with less force( negative inotropic effect). 

                Beta blockers also help open up your veins and arteries to improve blood flow.

             -Indications: it is used to treat Angina, High blood pressure and to lower the risk of 

              heart attacks .


Patients were randomized to one of four treatment arms: placebo or ER metoprolol (0.2 mg/kg, 1.0 mg/kg, or 2.0 mg/kg). Data were analyzed on 140 intent-to-treat patients.

Results:  mean baseline BP was 132/78 +/- 9/9 mmHg. Following 4 weeks of treatment, mean changes in sitting BP were: placebo = -1.9/-2.1 mmHg; ER metoprolol 0.2 mg/kg = -5.2/-3.1 mmHg; 1.0 mg/kg = -7.7/-4.9 mmHg; 2.0 mg/kg = -6.3/-7.5 mmHg. Compared with placebo, ER metoprolol significantly reduced systolic blood pressure (SBP) at the 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg dose (P = .027 and P = .049, respectively), reduced diastolic blood pressure (DBP) at the 2.0 mg/kg dose (P = .017), and showed a statistically significant dose response relationship for the placebo-corrected change in DBP from baseline. There were no serious adverse events or adverse events requiring study drug discontinuation among patients receiving active therapy.

             ➣Non pharmacological intervention advised to this patient is: PERCUTANEOUS 


                Percutaneous Coronary Intervention  is a non-surgical procedure that uses a 

                catheter (a thin flexible tube) to place a small structure called a stent to open up

                blood vessels in the heart that have been narrowed by plaque buildup

               ( atherosclerosis).

 3. What are the indications and contraindications for PCI?


            Acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)

            Non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS)

            Unstable angina.

            Stable angina.

            Anginal equivalent (eg, dyspnea, arrhythmia, or dizziness or syncope)

            High risk stress test findings.      



          Intolerance for oral antiplatelets long-term.

          Absence of cardiac surgery backup.

          Hypercoaguable state.

          High-grade chronic kidney disease.

          Chronic total occlusion of SVG.

          An artery with a diameter of <1.5 mm.

4. What happens if a PCI is performed in a patient who does not need it? What are the harms 

    of overtreatment and why is research on overtesting and overtreatment important to current 

     healthcare systems?   

 Ans:  Although PCI is generally a safe procedure, it might cause serious certain 

          complications like -


          B) Blood vessel damage

          C) Allergic reaction to the contrast dye used

          D) Arrhythmias

          E) Need for emergency coronary artery bypass grafting .

         Because of all these complications it is better to avoid PCI in patients who do not 

         require it.

  • Research on overtesting and overtreatment is important as they are more harmful than useful.

      Harms to patients

    . Performing screening tests in patients with who at low risk for the disease which is being


      For example:Breast Cancer Screenings Can Cause More Harm Than Good in Women 

      who Are at Low Risk. A harmless lump or bump could incorrectly come up as cancer 

      during routine breast screenings. This means that some women undergo surgery, 

      chemotherapy or radiation for cancer that was never there in the first place.

     -Overuse of imaging techniques such as X- RAYS AND CT SCANS as a part of routine 


     -Overuse of imaging can lead to a diagnosis of a condition that would have otherwise 

      remained irrelevant - OVERDIAGNOSIS.

      Also the adverse effects due to this are more when compared to the benefits.

     -Over diagnosis through over testing can psychologically harm the patient.

     -Hospitalisations for those with chronic conditions who could be treated as outpatients 

      can lead to economic burden and a feeling of isolation.

      Harms to health care systems

      The use of expensive technologies and machineries are causing burden on

       health care systems.


A 60 year old male with chief complaints of chest pain, giddiness and profuse sweating.


1. What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an event timeline
    and where is the anatomical localisation for the problem and what is the primary etiology 
    of the patient's problem?
Ans : 
        ➤ 3 days ago - An episode of chest pain on the right side of chest.

        ➤Anatomical Localisation : CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM (Occlusion of the right

                                                      coronary artery)

        ➤ Etiology  : The causes for the occlusion of right coronary artery can be-

                             • Atherosclerosis – Also known as coronary artery disease, this condition 

                               is the most common cause of heart attacks and occurs when the buildup 

                              of fat, cholesterol, and other substances forms plaque on the walls of the

                              coronary arteries.

                             • Coronary artery spasm  

                             • Coronary artery tear 

 2. What are mechanism of action, indication and efficacy over placebo of each of the 

      pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions used for this patient?

 Ans : Following interventions are used in this patient -

             ➣ TAB ATORVAS 80mg PO/STAT -

              - MOA :  Atorvastatin is a statin medication and a competitive inhibitor of the

                            enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which catalyzes the conversion of HMG-CoA

                            to mevalonate, an early rate-limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis. 

                            Atorvastatin acts primarily in the liver, where decreased hepatic cholesterol

                            concentrations stimulate the upregulation of hepatic low-density lipoprotein

                           receptors, which increases hepatic uptake of LDL. Atorvastatin also reduces

                            Very-Low-Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol, serum triglycerides and 

                            Intermediate Density, but increases High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol. 

          - Indication : Atorvastatin is used for the treatment of several types of dyslipidemias.  

                             - Atorvastatin can be used as a preventive agent for myocardial infarction, 

                               stroke, and angina, in patients without coronary heart disease but with 

                               multiple risk factors.

        ➣ TAB. ASPIRIN 325 mg PO/STAT - 

                  -MOA : Aspirin is a NSAID. They inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 thus decreasing the 

                            prostaglandin level and thromboxane synthesis.

             -Indications : They are anti platelet medications and, in this case, used to prevent 

                                    formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

             -Efficacy over Placebo: According to a study, Aspirin use was associated with a 

                                                    lower risk of myocardial infarction when compared to a 


       TAB CLOPIBB 300mg PO/STAT-

           -MOA : Clopidogrel is an antiplatelet medication, it metabolised to its active form by 

                         carboxylesterase-1. The active form is a platelet inhibitor that irreversibly 

                         binds to P2Y12 ADP receptors on platelets. This binding prevents ADP 

                         binding to P2Y12 receptors, activation of the glycoprotein GPIIb/IIIa complex

                         and platelet aggregation.

    -Indications : Clopidogrel is indicated to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction for

                          patients with non-ST elevated acute coronary syndrome, patients with ST-

                          elevated myocardial infarction, and in recent MI, stroke.

➣ INJ HAI 6U/IV STAT - is given to control elevated blood sugar levels.

3. Did the secondary PTCA do any good to the patient or was it unnecessary?
 Ans : PTCA is known to improve the patient’s vessel patency if it is done within 4 hours of 
           the symptom onset or if it is used as adjunctive therapy along with some systemic 
           thrombolytic therapy. It can restore up to 90% of the vessel’s natural state if 
          implemented within enough time.

          Though there are certain benefits from PTCA, there are some disadvantages too. 

           If done along with systemic thrombolytics then it can lead to a higher incidence of 

          bleeding complications. 

          Just PTCA alone, has not proven to show any ventricular function improvement or 

          decreased mortality.


A 87 year old male with shortness of breath, constipation and decreased urine output.

1. How did the patient get  relieved from his shortness of breath after i.v fluids administration
    by rural medical practitioner?
Ans : The patient is diagnosed with cardiogenic shock. 

           In cardiogenic shock, there is hypovolemia, this will reduce perfusion to major organs 

           in the body, when there is decreased perfusion, the body slows starts shutting down. 

           To halt this process, iv fluids are given rapidly to continue the perfusion of fluids at the 

          normal rate. This helped in relieving  shortness of breath.

2. What is the rationale of using torsemide in this patient?
 Ans : The patient has cardiorenal syndrome.
               In cardiorenal syndrome, there is a renal dysfunction along with cardiac abnormalities.
          This results in volume overload and heart failure.

           Furosemide is a commonly used diuretic to treat volume overload state in heart failure

           but it is particularly prone to the problem of diuretic resistance because of its particular


           Also, chronic diuretic use also induces hypertrophy in distal tubular cells, leading 

           again to enhanced sodium reuptake, contributing further to diuretic resistance.           

           Alternatives to furosemide, such as torsemide, have been shown to have a slight 

          advantage in selected studies because of somewhat more favourable pharmacokinetics.

 3. Was the rationale for administration of ceftriaxone? Was it prophylactic or for the treatment of UTI?

 Ans : Patients with cardiorenal syndrome are known to have systemic inflammation

           There is an inflammation of monocytes and other inflammatory cells. This puts the 

           patient in an immune suppressive state, chances of infection are increased.

           To reduce the chances of infection, as a prophylactic measure, ceftriaxone might have

           been started.



A 33 year old male with pain abdomen, vomiting, constipation, burning micturition and fever.


1. What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an event timeline
    and where is the anatomical localisation for the problem and what is the primary etiology 
    of the patient's problem?
Ans : 
             ➤ Timeline of events -


              5YEARS AGO : An episode of pain abdomen and vomitings,

                                        Treated conservatively at a local hospital.

                                        Stopped alcohol consumption.


                                          Symptom free for almost 3 YEARS

                                  Patient started consuming alcohol, this lead to recurrent episodes of

                                  pain abdomen and vomiting.


           1 YEAR AGO : 5-6 episodes of pain abdomen and vomitings

                                     Treated by a RMP.


             1 WEEK AGO : Binge of alcohol


         SINCE 1 WEEK : pain abdomen and vomitings.  


         SINCE 4 DAYS : High grade fever with chills and rigors

                                     Developed constipation           

                                     Burning MICTURITION associated with subrapubic pain , increased 

                                    frequency and urgency.


        ➤ Anatomical localisation : GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM.( stomach and pancreas

                                                     mainly as the symptoms suggest)


       ➤ Etiology  the patient is a chronic alcoholic, episodes of abdominal pain and vomiting

                            are following alcohol consumption .

                            THEREFORE it is heavy drinking that has led to the above condition in the 


 2. What is the efficacy of drugs used along with other non pharmacological treatment 

     modalities and how would you approach this patient as a treating physician?

 Ans :Drugs used in this patient -

            ➣ ING. MEROPENEM ; TID for 7 days

           Meropenem is a broad spectrum carbipenem antibiotic used to treat abdominal and 

           skin infections.

           BASED ON A STUDY-In patients with moderate to severe intra-abdominal infections,

           empirical monotherapy with meropenem achieved clinical response rates ranging from

           91 to 100% in 7 randomised comparative trials. Meropenem also achieved clinical 

           response rates of over 80% in patients with severe intra-abdominal infections. 

     ➣ING. METROGYL 500 mg IV TID for 5 days

        Composition- METRONIDAZOLE.

        Metronidazole belongs to Nitroimidazole group of antibiotics, is used to treat 

        gastrointestinal infections, skin and blood infections.

          Optimal Treatment for Complicated Intra-abdominal Infections .        .        . › articles › PMC5047423

         Based on the above study metronidazole when combined with another antimicrobial 

         agent is more effective in the treatment of complicated intra abdominal infections 

        ( particularly those caused by ENTEROBACTERIACEAE MEMBERS as they are 

         resistant to carbipenem).

       ➣ING. AMIKACIN 500 mg IV BD for 5days

         .AMIKACIN is an amino glycoside antibiotic used in the treatment of serious bacterial


        All the above three antibiotics are given to control infection and prevent sepsis in the


      ➣ING. OCTREOTIDE 100 mg SC , BD

         Octreotide is a long acting analogue of Somatostatin

        .It inhibits exocrine secretion of the pancreas, also has anti inflammatory and 

         cytoprotective effects. 

         EFFICACY - Octeotride based on several studies did not provide any symptomatic relief

          or better cure when compared to other drugs . However it played a significant role in 


        ➣ ING. PANTOP 40 mg IV , OD

         Pantoprazole a proton pump inhibitor, is known to have pancreatic anti secretory effect.

         Oxidative stress is common in acute pancreatitis- Pantoprazole  has a inhibitory effect

         on hydroxy radicals ( free radicals )- thereby reduces the progression of the disease and

         helps in reducing oxidative stress.

         PPZ treatment also reduces tissue infiltration of inflammatory cells and acinar cell 

         necrosis in severe AP.

        ➣ ING. TRAMADOL in 100 ml NS  IV , OD

          Tramadol is an opioid analgesic used to relieve severe pain in acute pancreatitis.

        ➣ING. THIAMINE 100 mg in 100 ml NS  IV , TID.        

          Thaimine -  Vitamin B1 supplement.

          As the patient is on TPN there is a chance of B1 deficiency

          Wernicke’s encephalopathy ( due to B1 deficiency) has been noted in several cases of 

         pancreatitis  so to prevent this Thiamine is given as a prophylactic measure

        ➣ TPN ( Total Parenteral Nutrition )

          (TPN) is a method of feeding that bypasses the gastrointestinal tract. Fluids are given 

          intravenously to provide  nutrients the body needs. The method is used when a person 

          cannot or should not receive feedings or fluids by mouth.

          Parenteral nutrition is used to prevent malnutrition in patients who are unable to obtain 

          adequate nutrients by oral or enteral routes.


     -When the patients present with the complaints of pain abdomen and vomiting, along with 

       fever, burning micturition, certain investigations must be done.

     - First, a general examination must be done, including inspection, percussion, palpation and

       auscultation of the abdomen. 

      -Other investigations are CBP (Complete Blood Picture ), LFT( Liver Function tests ), 

       RFT( Renal Function Test ) , Urine analysis, Serum amylase, ABG( Arterial Blood Gas ),

       Pleural tapping.

      -Some imaging studies like, contrast enhanced CT and chest x-ray should be taken as well.

       Now depending on the diagnosis based on the results, chemotherapy must be started. In 

       the case of pancreatitis in this patient, the following treatment can be given. 

    -- Antibiotic like MEROPENAM, METROGYL, AMIKACIN

     - Fluid levels should be maintained with RL or NS

    --Somatostatin analogue like SOMATOSTATIN, decreases the exocrine secretion in the 


   -- Proton pump inhibitor

   --Vitamins such as Thiamine

   --Anti-analgesic such as TRAMADOL.


A 25 year old man with epigastric pain.

1.What is causing the patient's dyspnea? How is it related to pancreatitis?

   Ans :In case of severe pancreatitis, a lot of inflammatory chemicals that are secreted into 

           the blood stream. These chemicals create inflammation throughout the body, including

           the lungs. As a result, a person may experience an inflammatory type of reaction in the

           lungs called ARDS this results in dyspnoea in the patient.

2. Name possible reasons why the patient has developed a state of hyperglycemia.
 Ans : 
      1. Pancreatitis damages cells that produce insulin and glucagon which are hormones that 
          control the levels of blood sugar.  Deficiency of these hormones can lead to 

      2. Patient is a known alcoholic with increased consumption since 2 months (2 litres of 

          toddy everyday) this results in carbohydrate spike and can lead to diabetes in the patient. 

3. What is the reason for his elevated LFTs? Is there a specific marker for Alcoholic Fatty
     Liver disease?
Ans : Excess alcohol consumption is the reason for elevated LFT's .
       An AST to ALT ratio more than 2 is the most specific marker of Alcoholic liver disease.
       Others include MCV: Mean corpuscular volume; 
                               CDT: Carbohydrate-deficient transferring;
                               GGT: Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase

4. What is the line of treatment in this patient?   
 Ans : Plan of action and Treatment:


        ✓ 24 hour urinary protein 

        ✓ Fasting and Post prandial Blood glucose 

        ✓ HbA1c 

        ✓ USG guided pleural tapping 


       • IVF: 125 mL/hr 

       • Inj PAN 40mg i.v OD 

       • Inj ZOFER 4mg i.v sos 

       • Inj Tramadol 1 amp in 100 mL NS, i.v sos

       • Tab Dolo 650mg sos 

       • GRBS charting 6th hourly 

       • BP charting 8th hourly 


A 45 year old female with fever, pain abdomen, decreased urine output and abdominal distension.

1. What is the most probable diagnosis in this patient?

 Ans : Based on the symptoms shown by the patient :

          Differential Diagnosis-

         • Ruptured Liver Abscess.

       • Organized Intraperitoneal Hematoma

        .• Organized collection secondary to Hollow viscous Perforation.

The most probably diagnosis is presence of abdominal hemorrhage. This will give reasoning to the abdominal distention, and the blood which is aspirated.


2. What was the cause of her death?

 Ans : After discharge from the hospital, the patient went to Hyderabad and underwent an 

          emergency laparotomy surgery. The patient passed away the next day.

         Cause of her death could be complications of laparotomy surgery such as 

         bleeding, infection, or damage to internal organs.

3. Does her NSAID abuse have something to do with her condition? How? 
 Ans : NSAID- abuse effects the kidney by reducing glomerular perfusion, reducing
          glomerular filtration rate and can also lead to acute renal failure.
          Chronic NSAIDs use has also been reported to cause hepatotoxicity. 
          NSAIDs induced  hepatic side effects ranging from asymptomatic elevations in serum 
          aminotransferase levels and hepatitis with jaundice to fulminant liver failure and death.



A 52 year old male with SOB, burning micturition and fever.

1. What could be the reason for his SOB ?  
 Ans : In our body a small amount of creatine is converted into creatinine daily so that it can
          be transported to the kidney and disposed out via urine.
          If kidney function is impaired, the creatinine will not be disposed out and its levels 
          increase in the body.
          In this patient the creatinine levels kept increasing even while on treatment.
          ( from 5.2mg/dl to 10mg/dl) 
         When patient presented with SOB his creatinine levels were 10mg/dl.
          This indicates that it could be elevated creatinine that is causing SOB in this patient.

 2. Why does he have intermittent episodes of drowsiness?

  Ans : The intermittent episodes of drowsiness in this patient could be due to Hyponatremia.

          * Due to Hyponatremia, serum sodium levels are low, low sodium serum levels affect 

           several biological pathways in the nervous system and can cause neurological


         * Due to low serum sodium levels there is is low extracellular osmolality, this results in 

           swelling of all cells in the body including brain cells.  

           This is be the reason for drowsiness in the patient.

3. Why did he complaint of fleshy mass like passage in his urine?

 Ans :The patient in this case has a history of dysuria and urine is cloudy in appearance. On 

          investigation, there is a presence of pus cells in the urine. The patient has an indication 

         of hydronephrosis, which is a condition that typically occurs when the kidney swells due

         to urine failing to properly drain from the kidney to the bladder. 

         Due to stasis of fluid, these patients become predisposed to development of urinary tract

         infection (UTI), which can be the cause of fleshy type masses or gritty particles in the



4. What are the complications of TURP that he may have had?
 Ans : Some possible complications include:

             Bladder injury



             Electrolyte abnormalities

            Painful or difficult urination


An eight year old with frequent urination.

1.Why is the child excessively hyperactive without much of social etiquettes ?

 Ans : According to the case history, the patient, in this case is an 8 year old boy, is excessively

          hyperactive, impulsive, does not have proper social etiquettes as is expected of his age,

          too active to pay any attention at school, talk so fast that even comprehending sentence

          becomes quite difficult.

          These issues are ongoing in the boy, and are prominent enough to be negatively

          affecting his daily life. This prompts one to consider the possibility of the boy having 

          ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). 

          People who have ADHD have combinations of these symptoms:

         • Overlook or miss details, make careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or during 

         other activities.

         • Have problems sustaining attention in tasks or play, including conversations, lectures, 

         or lengthy reading

         • Seem to not listen when spoken to directly.

          • Avoid or dislike tasks that require sustained mental effort, such as school homework.

       Signs of hyperactivity and impulsivity may include:

         • Fidgeting and squirming while seated

         • Running or dashing around or climbing in situations where it is inappropriate, or, in 

          teens and adults, often feeling restless

         • Talking nonstop

         • Blurting out an answer before a question has been completed, finishing other people’s 

          sentences, or speaking without waiting for a turn in conversation

(Reference link-

2. Why doesn't the child have the excessive urge of urination at night time ?

 Ans : The child in this case has gotten a series of tests done in order to come to a conclusion

           about his diagnosis.

           a) Urine examination of the child is completely normal.

           b) The child shows symptoms of ADHD this could lead to hyperexcitability, since its 

               only happening during the day time it could also be psychosomatic.


3. How would you want to manage the patient to relieve him of his symptoms?

 Ans : The diagnosis of the child is pointing towards the possibility of a psychosomatic 

           overactive bladder, which can be triggered by various stressors or the possibility of the 

           child having undiagnosed ADHD. In either of these cases, change in the daily habits

           and behavior, along with conservative therapy such as bladder exercises will provide

           relief before doing medical or surgical intervention.

           The most common treatment options include bladder retraining and pelvic floor 


          . If these techniques do not work or seem to have no effect on the overactive

           bladder, medications can be used to calm the overactive bladder like oxybutynin .




A 40 year old female with dysphagia, fever and cough.

1.Which clinical history and physical findings are characteristic of tracheo esophageal fistula?

 Ans : The characteristic features of TEF in adults are- recurrent pneumonia, hemoptysis, and

          coughing after eating. 

          In children, the features found in cases of congenital tracheoesophageal fistula- is  

          frothy, white bubbles in the mouth, coughing or choking when feeding, vomiting, 

          cyanosis especially when the baby is feeding, difficulty breathing.

          The physical finding in the presence of TEF is abdominal distention which may occur

          secondary to collection of air in the stomach.

 2. What are the chances of this patient developing immune reconstitution inflammatory 

      syndrome? Can we prevent it? 

 Ans :Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is a condition seen in some 
           cases of AIDS or immunosuppression, in which the immune system begins to recover,
           but then responds to a previously acquired opportunistic infection with an 
           overwhelming inflammatory response that paradoxically makes the symptoms of 
           infection worse.
          There are chances that this patient can develop IRIS due to the patient being RVD 

          positive. She is more susceptible to any infection and therefor prone to reinfection. 

          To prevent IRIS, the most effective method is to involve the initiation of ART before

          immunosuppression is advanced. 

         IRIS is uncommon in individuals who initiate antiretroviral treatment with a CD4+ T-

         cell count greater than 100 cells/uL.



A 55 year old male with pain abdomen, decreased appetite and fever.

1. Do you think drinking locally made alcohol caused liver abscess in this patient due to
   predisposing factors present in it ? What could be the cause in this patient ?
 Ans : Patient is toddy drinker since for the past 30 years and by occupation he is a palm tree

         Toddy is a locally brewed beverage, when the conditions are unhygienic it gets 

         contaminated with bacteria, fungi, parasites.Of particular contamination with 

         ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA is known to cause liver abscess.

         Based on his occupation the patient belongs to low socio economic group - so chances 

         of malnutrition is more this further favours the survival of the parasite.

2. What is the etiopathogenesis  of liver abscess in a chronic alcoholic patient ? ( since 30

    years - 1 bottle per day)

 Ans : Alcohol causes AMOEBIC LIVER ABSCESS(ALA) through a multitude of 


  • Alcohol induced hepatic dysfunction
  • It lowers body resistance and suppresses  immune mechanisms in the habitual consumers.
  • Locally prepared alcohol ( toddy) when brewed in unhygienic conditions may be contaminated by pathogens ( bacteria, parasites- ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA.)
  • Toddy has very less alcoholic content (< 5%) - this favours the survival of Entamoeba and promotes the conversion of latent forms to virulent forms resulting in more symptomatic cases.
  • alcohol-induced hepatic dysfunction and possible suppression of amoebistatic immune mechanisms by substances in the beverages could also be attributed in the mechanism.
3. Is liver abscess more common in right lobe ?
 Ans : Liver abscess is more common in right lobe than left lobe.

          The involvement of right lobe to left lobe is in the ratio of 2: 1

          Liver abscess is more common in the right lobe than left lobe because

  •  The right hepatic lobe receives blood from both the superior mesenteric and portal veins, whereas the left hepatic lobe receives inferior mesenteric and splenic drainage
  • It also contains a denser network of biliary canaliculi and overall more hepatic mass.

4.What are the indications for ultrasound guided aspiration of liver abscess ?
 Ans : Indications for aspiration of a liver abscess include the following:
  • Presence of a left lobe abscess of more than 10cm in diameter. 
  • Pain and impending rupture.
  • Abscess that does not respond to medical treatment within 3-5 days. 


A 21 year old male with abdominal pain and fever.

1. Cause of liver abscess in this patient ?
 Ans : Patient is an occasional  Toddy drinker.

          Toddy ( a local alcoholic beverage) when collected in unhygienic environment, might 

          get contaminated with pathogens such as bacteria, parasites ( Entamoeba histolytica).

          These pathogens through portal circulation reach the liver and might result in

          ABSCESS  formation in the patient.

2. How do you approach this patient ?

 Ans : . When patient presents with chief complaints of abdominal pain , fever -

  1. Detailed history regarding each of the symptom should be taken.
  2. General examination to know the overall health status should be carried out.
  3. Following general examination, systemic examination ( CVS, RESPIRATORY, PER ABDOMEN, CNS) should be done.

       Patient’s symptoms point out to the involvement of GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM, 

       therefore special emphasis should be on per abdominal examination.

     4. Through history and examination , we arrive at provisional diagnosis.

     5. To confirm the diagnosis, investigations, imaging tests should be taken.

     6. For this patient based oh his sympatology, the following investigations should be done.


     7. Imaging tests- CXR, USG abdomen.

        Based on the results of these the diagnosis can be confirmed, treatment can be initiated.

       This patient is diagnosed with LIVER ABSCESS ( by the above approach) , the

        following treatment can be given.

.      In practice an empirical treatment is given to treat both amoebic and pyogenic 

       liver abscess

        *This includes use of Broad spectrum antibiotics( for pyogenic liver abscess) , 

        *Metronidazole ( for amoebic liver abscess)

        * Analgesics and anti inflammatory drugs -to relieve pain and fever.

        *  Multivitamin supplements

        *Saline infusion- to maintain fluid levels. 

         All the above medicines should be given for  7- 10 days.

        Following this review the patient and see if there is any improvement.

        -USG abdomen should be done se if the abscess is resolving.

        -Investigations ( CBP, LFT , RFT ) should be done to check for the improvement.

        -If the abscess did not resolve ULTRASOUND GUIDED ASPIRATION SHOULD 

         BE DONE.

   3. Why do we treat here ; both amoebic and pyogenic liver abcess? 

    Ans :The presentation for both amoebic , pyogenic liver abscess is the same i.e, pain

            abdomen, fever, constitutional symptoms like nausea and vomitimg, loss of appetite,

            in some cases there may be pulmonary symptoms.


           There is leucocytosis, elevated alkaline phosphatase ,ALT, AST  

            USG-a hypo echoic mass for both type of abscess.

          -Amoebic and pyogenic liver abscess can be differentiated only by culture and 

           sensitivity of the aspirate obtained by USG GUIDED ASPIRATION OF THE 


          -USG GUIDED ASPIRATION has the following risk factors associated with it:

            1) if abscess is thin walled there is a risk of rupture.

            2)if abscess is on the posterior aspect of the liver, it will not be accessible.

            3)there is also a risk of bleeding.

.          Blood culture taken prior to the administration of antibiotics is helpful for identifying

           the causative organism but  as this patient had already taken antimicrobials before he

            came to the hospital, there is severe abdominal pain treatment is started immediately

            without a blood culture report.

            Considering that it is difficult to distinguish amoebic liver abscess from pyogenic

             liver abscess, we treat both forms of Liver abscess empirically using-

  • Broad spectrum antibiotics- a combination of penicillin , cephalosporin, ahminoglycosides
  • Metronidazole- has both antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity.

Liver abscess: diagnostic and management issues found in ... › bmb › article


   This article highlights the difficulties in distinguish the two forms of liver abscess.

4. Is there a way to confirm the definitive diagnosis in this patient?

 Ans : Liver abscess can be confirmed by USG ABDOMEN - it presents as single / multiple,

           round / oval , hypoechoic - hyper echoic mass more commonly is the right lobe of the


          However USG cannot differentiate an amoebic liver abscess from pyogenic liver 


           For this :

                *Blood culture

                *USG guided aspiration of the abscess should be done.

             This aspirate should be subjected to antigen testing for - Entamoeba histolytic

             Subjected to microbiological culture and sensitivity - to identify pyogenic organisms.


(Mucormycosis, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Neurology) 

A 50 year old male with altered sensorium.

1. What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an event timeline 
   and where is the anatomical localisation for the problem and what is the primary etiology 
   of the patient's problem?
Ans :
       ➤ Timeline of events -
            3 YEARS AGO Patient was diagnosed with hypertension.
           21 DAYS AGO - Took COVID -19 vaccine, was followed by fever associated with   
                                       chills and rigors, fever was high grade with no diurnal variation and
                                        it relieved on medication.
            18 DAYS AGO - Patient complained of of similar episode and went to the local
                                      hospital, fever did not subside despite taking the medication.
           11 DAYS AGO -  Patient complained of generalised weakness, facial weakness and
                                      periorbital edema.
           4 DAYS AGO -   Patient presented to the causality in altered state with facial puffiness
                                      and periorbital edema, towards evening periorbital edema progressed,
                                      there was blood tinged serous discharge from the left eye.
                                      Patient was also diagnosed with diabetes, was shifted to a government   
          2 DAYS AGO - Patient passed away.

        Patient was diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis and was unaware that he was 
           diabetic until then. This resulted in poorly controlled blood sugar levels. 
           The patient was diagnosed with acute oro rhino orbital mucormycosis, rhino cerebral 
           mucormycosis , this is the most common form of this fungus that occurs in people with
           uncontrolled diabetes.
          The fungus enters the sinuses from the environment and then the brain.

2. What is the efficacy of drugs used along with other non pharmacological  treatment 
    modalities and how would  you approach this patient as a treating physician?
 Ans : The proposed management of the patient was –

         1. inj. Liposomal amphotericin B according to creatinine clearance

         2. 200mg Iitraconazole was given as it was the only available drug which was adjusted 

            to his creatinine clearance.

         3. Deoxycholate was the required drug which was unavailable

      This article talks about the efficacy and toxicity of different formulations of amphotericinB

      along with the above mentioned treatment for the patient.


    Management of diabetic ketoacidosis –

    (a) Fluid replacement-  The fluids will replace those lost through excessive urination, as
         well as help dilute the excess sugar in blood.

    (b) Electrolyte replacement-The absence of insulin can lower the level of several electrolyte

          in blood. Patient will receive electrolytes through a vein to help keep the heart, muscles

          and nerve cells functioning normally.

   (c) Insulin therapy-  Insulin reverses the processes that cause diabetic ketoacidosis. In

        addition to fluids and electrolytes, patient will receive insulin therapy.

3. What are the postulated reasons for a sudden apparent rise in the incidence of mucormycosis in India at this point of time?

Ans : The reason for sudden rise of Mucormycosis could be due to excessive use of steroids 

          for the treatment of severly ill and critical Covid 19 patients. Steroids reduce 

          inflammation in the lungs, stop some of the damage that can happens when the body's

          immune system goes into overdrive to fight off coronavirus. But at they also reduce 

         immunity and push up blood sugar levels in both diabetics and non-diabetic Covid-19 


            With the COVID-19 cases rising in India the rate of occurrence of mucormycosis in

         these patients is increasing.


 Link to the COVID master chart.

 In the last one month
 a. I communicated with patients through Telemedicine, this gave me an insight into their 
b. Made E-logs regarding various cases based on history obtained from the patient's attenders, 
    information regarding management during the hospital stay obtained from the PG's.
    This helped me understand the course of various diseases and how to manage them  
 c. Attended 2-4CME sessions ( virtually) where patients relatives were counselled and the 
   patients response to treatment were discussed.
d. Participated in case discussions through questions raised on the group.
   Through this I learnt many new things. 


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